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Hi! My name is Md Abul Kalam Azad. I’m a professional Digital Marketer. A Certified Digital Marketing Consultant, B2B Lead generation, Data Entry, and SEO expert with 5 years expert,

 I can provide online marketing services for all the companies and businesses that are in need of it. Long paragraphs can be awful to read, so here is a list of all the services I am willing and able to help you with: What kind of expertise can you hire me?

Overall digital marketing strategies planning and implementation Up to date with the latest technology and best practices All digital marketing channels management and optimization Social Media Marketing strategy and execution Content and SEO strategies for all SEM campaigns Paid Advertising (Fb Ads, Google Ads, Youtube Ads, Bing Ads, Twitter Ads, etc)

Thanks and Best regards



Whatsapp: +8801915542177